2024 Income Guidelines:

Required documents: Applicants must submit:
- A certified birth certificate
- A current physical dated no earlier than 6 months from the date the application is received and date stamped. A record of immunizations, documentation of TB, Hemoglobin and lead tests and the results
- Proof of Income using one of the following documents
- Individual Income Tax Form 1040
- W-2 Forms
- Pay Stubs for 12 months
- Pay Envelopes
- Written statements from employers
- Documentation showing current status as recipient of or eligibility for receiving public assistance
- Families signed declaration of zero income for the relevant time period, if staff can document efforts made to verify family’s income and explains how the family’s income was calculated or obtains information from a third party, if the family gives consent.
- Proof of residency
- A current piece of mail such as a utility bill, or lease
- State issued ID card
Categorically Eligible Documentation
Homeless - (as defined by the McKinney-Vento Act) Family Development Specialist
- A with a written statement from a homeless services provider, school personnel, or other service agency attesting that the child is homeless or any other documentation that establishes homelessness
- If a family cannot provide official documentation to prove the child is homeless, a family may submit a written statement or signed declaration to that effect.
Foster Care
- A family can provide a court order or other legal or government-issued document or,
- A written statement from a government child welfare official demonstrating the child is in foster care or proof of a foster care payment.